Warehouse Fogging
Warehouse Treatments
Allpest Equipment Services can provide large output chemical applicators either Thermal or for Cold Fogging Machines to carry out Fogging Treatments inside warehouses. Various Disinfectants or Pesticides being either water or oil based can be applied in a fine Ultra Low-Volume (ULV) droplet giving a dry fog as a result. LV Low Volume droplet sizes can also be applied.
Warehouses of all sizes can be treated using a number of our machines positioned accordingly to give an even coverage. These fogging treatments are cost effective against a fully automated system and are not permanent fixtures that very often can be difficult to work around without causing damage.
Treatments using Thermal or Cold Fogging Machines are carried out when staff are on breaks or out of hours to minimise plant downtime and cut down on treatment time from small buildings to very large open as well as crowed spaces. A Fontan Mobilstar Cold Fogging Machine is also available with a conversion kit to enable buildings to be treated from outside especially when full with no access possible from ground level. ULV treatments using Thermal and Cold Fogging equipment produce excellent results plus with the cold fog application ULV plus and LV options are possible with both fogging methods being cost effective.
This method of cleaning warehouses is primarily suited but not limited to rooms that can be sealed to a suitable standard where Fog cannot leave to allow for it to circulate and fill a room over a period of time for the best effects.
Allpest Equipment Services are located centrally in the midlands and can offer nationwide treatments on request.
For further information about our Fogging Treatments, please contact us

Warehouse Surface Spraying
Flying Insects are common issues in some Warehouses depending on the types of products stored which can be treated by surface spraying in some cases with this being carried out using the Cold fogging electric or in some cases fuel driven equipment.
Mist Blowers are versatile and offer an output capable of reaching roof spaces up to 16 metres high. Office blocks within Warehouses can be disinfected using the smaller portable electric machines either in auto or manual mode.
We offer contract or one off services for treatments.
For further information about our Fogging Treatments, please get in touch