Fogging Services
Fogging and Cleaning Services
Allpest Equipment Services carry out chemical fogging treatments throughout the UK, this is done using various equipment that we supply. The main application objective is disinfection which covers a variety of area's including poultry houses, greenhouses, grain stores and food mills being popular with this type of treatment. As fogging contractors we can offer support to pest control companies especially who need to treat large area's as part of contracts undertaken and need the use of more equipment to effectively carry out the job.
Thermal fogging offers an even droplet coverage the same as applying with the cold fogging technique but with the distinct advantage of a much faster treatment time. Fly control in waste management facilities is another area becoming more popular using either thermal fogging for inside buildings and mist blowers for outside as a cost effective option to complex integrated systems.
For any advise on area's requiring treatment please contact us
Subcontracting Services Available Nationwide

Typical Areas of Application -
Poultry House Fogging
Greenhouse Fogging
Waste Management Fly Control
Allpest Equipment Services are located in the midlands and are able to offer nationwide fogging services.
Either contract or one off treatments are undertaken.
Applying Water / Oil Based Products
Oil and water based products can be applied with a special high performance fog mixing tube fitted for water based chemicals to ensure all the product is mixed and airborne rather than a percentage dropping straight to the ground.
This high performance fog mixing tube is very effective and allows increased dosage rates in excess of 60lts an hour with the larger machines. As can be seen in the photos, using the oil based fog tube to apply water based results in excessive waste especially when applying large dosage rates. With the High Performance Fog Tube a dry product film is visible indicating all the product is applied without any waste.